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Calendar Year Deductible



Maximum 3 per Family



$250 No Co-Pay Benefits

All subject to Deductible Plus Coinsurance (No Drug Card Benefit)

$500, $1,000, $2,000 and $3,000



$500 No Co-Pay Benefits

All subject to Deductible Plus Coinsurance (No Drug Card Benefit)

$1,000, $2,000, $3,000 and $4,000



Out-of-Pocket Maximum (2x Family)

Plus Calendar Year Deductible



Plan 1: $500, $1,000, $2,000

Plan 2: $1,000, $2,000, $4,000



Plan 1: $2,000, $4,000, $8,000

Plan 2: $2,500, $5,000, $10,000



Coinsurance Percentage applies only to Covered Charges/Plus Deductible



Plan 1: 90%

Plan 2: 80%



Plan 1: 60%

Plan 2: 50%



Emergency and Out-of-Area








Plan 1: 80%

Plan 2: 70%



Physician’s Office – includes

X-ray and Lab, CAT Scans, MRI Testing. Diabetes Supplies, Allergy





Plan 1: $25 Co-pay up to $200 per visit

Plan 2: $35 Co-pay up to $200 per visit




Deductible Plus Coinsurance

Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Hospital Services Inpatient

Room & Board



Intensive Care, Immediate Care, or

Cardiac Care Room & Board


Emergency Room



Non-Emergency Use of Emergency Room


Diabetes Services In/outpatient


PKU Formulas In/outpatient



$150 Co-pay

Plus average Semi-Private

Deductible Plus Coinsurance


2 times average Semi-Private room rate/Deductible Plus Coinsurance


$50 Co-pay

Deductible Plus Coinsurance


50% after Deductible



Deductible Plus Coinsurance


Deductible Plus Coinsurance



$300 Co-pay

Plus average Semi-Private

Deductible Plus Coinsurance


2 times average Semi-Private room rate/Deductible Plus Coinsurance


$50 Co-pay

Deductible Plus Coinsurance


50% after Deductible



Deductible Plus Coinsurance


Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Surgical Services


Assistant Surgeon*, Anesthesia

*Charges for an Assistant Physician are limited to 1/5 of the Covered Charges allowed for the Surgery


Physician – Inpatient



Deductible Plus Coinsurance


Deductible Plus Coinsurance





Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Deductible Plus Coinsurance


Deductible Plus Coinsurance





Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Adult Preventive Services

Annual Maximum $200


Routine Mammography

One per 12 month period


Routine Pap Tests


Prostate Cancer Screening

One per 12 month period


Children to Age 6 – Three visits per

Calendar Year



Children Age 6 & Over – One visit per Calendar Year including Immunizations



Plan 1: $25 Co-pay

Plan 2: $35 Co-pay


Co-pay then 100%



Co-pay then 100%


Co-pay then 100%



Co-pay then 100%




Co-pay then 100%



Deductible Plus Coinsurance

Deductible Plus Coinsurance


Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Deductible Plus Coinsurance


Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Deductible Plus Coinsurance




Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Hospice Care

Inpatient Care


Outpatient Care



80% after Deductible

Lifetime Maximum $10,000


80% after Deductible

Lifetime Maximum $10,000



80% after Deductible

Lifetime Maximum $10,000


80% after Deductible

Lifetime Maximum $10,000



Skilled Nursing Care




Home Health Care



Private Duty Nursing





80% after Deductible

Maximum $250 per Day

Limit of 30 Days per Calendar Year


80% after Deductible

Limit of 90 Days per Calendar Year


80% after Deductible

Limit of 60 Eight-hour Shifts per

Calendar Year



80% after Deductible

Maximum $250 per Day

Limit of 30 Days per Calendar Year


80% after Deductible

Limit of 90 Days per Calendar Year


80% after Deductible

Limit of 60 Eight-hour Shifts per

Calendar Year



Ambulance Service







80% after Deductible

Maximum per One-way Trip per

Insured Person

$1,000 for Ground Transportation

$2,500 for Air Transportation



80% after Deductible

Maximum per One-way Trip per

Insured Person

$1,000 for Ground Transportation

$2,500 for Air Transportation



Spinal Manipulation





100% @ $30 per Visit

Maximum 50 Visits per Calendar Year




$30 per Visit

Maximum 50 Visits per Calendar Year, subject to Deductible & Coinsurance



Mental & Nervous Limitation

2-50 Employees

$10,000 Lifetime Maximum


51-99 Employees

$2,000,000 Lifetime Maximum



70% Subject to Deductible

Outpatient: 30 Visits per Calendar Year



Inpatient: 30 days per Calendar Year

Outpatient: 30 visits per Calendar Year



50% Subject to Deductible

Outpatient: 30 Visits per Calendar Year



Inpatient: 30 days per Calendar Year

Outpatient: 30 visits per Calendar Year



Supplemental Accident – Optional



100% up to $300 per Accident



100% up to $300 per Accident



Durable Medical Equipment




20% Co-pay of Allowable Amount

Plus Deductible and Coinsurance



20% Co-pay of Allowable Amount

Plus Deductible and Coinsurance



Well Baby Care


  Maximum 4 Days Cesarean Section

  Maximum 2 Days Vaginal Delivery





Deductible Plus Coinsurance

Deductible Plus Coinsurance





Deductible Plus Coinsurance

Deductible Plus Coinsurance



Maternity Included for all groups insuring 5 or more Eligible Employees



Same as any other illness




Same as any other illness




Reconstructive surgery after Mastectomy



Same as any other illness




Same as any other illness




Chemical Dependency



Same as any other illness



Same as any other illness



Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)



Same as any other illness



Same as any other illness



Prescription Drug Card (Outpatient)

Available to $500, $1,000, $2000 and

$3,000 Deductible Plans




Tier 1: Co-pay $2 (Generic Drugs)


Tier 2: Co-pay $15 (Cost-effective brand drugs) or 20% of cost, whichever is greater (does not apply to calendar year out-of-pocket of medical plan)


Tier 3: Co-pay $30 (High cost brand

drugs) or 30% of cost, whichever is greater (does not apply to calendar year out-of-pocket of medical plan)


Tier 4: Co-pay - Member pays the cost

difference between generic drug and

multiple-source brand drug regardless of either member or physician request.

(does not apply to calendar year

out-of-pocket of medical plan)


30 day maximum supply

90 day supply by mail for 2 co-pays

includes 20% or 30% cost share

(does not apply to calendar year out-of-pocket of medical plan)



No benefits payable for prescription

drugs unless with prescription drug card used at a participating pharmacy, except for the $250 deductible option.



Other Covered Charges

(unless otherwise indicated)



Deductible Plus Coinsurance




Deductible Plus Coinsurance




Transplant Lifetime Maximum









Lifetime Maximum










This is only a brief description of benefits available and will not be used to determine benefits payable.  The exact provisions of the insurance coverage may be found in the Certificate issued to each employee and may vary by state.




There shall be no benefits payable under the plan for expenses that result from care or treatment of any condition or symptom for which a covered plan member received advice or consultation or has taken any prescribed medication or has incurred any expenses due to the condition during the six months preceding the date of enrollment.  If the insured member (other than a late enrollee) has been covered under the plan for 12 consecutive months, the limitation will no longer apply.  However, the “Pre-existing Condition” exclusion time limitation will be shortened by the aggregate period of time the employee or dependent, was covered under Creditable Coverage if such coverage was continuous to a date not more than 63 days prior to the enrollment date under the policy.


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